La vainilla tan valiosa como la plata, ¿oportunidad para agricultores?

  Por Jacob Olander El precio de la vainilla ha alcanzado un máximo histórico. Con precios de US$550-600 el quilo de vainas de vainilla, esta preciada especia tiene mayor valor, libra por libra, que la plata. Una restricción global de la oferta está poniendo presión en empresas que dependen de este ingrediente – y está […]

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Sealing the deal: Winners of our 2017 Forest Economy Awards

  By Gabriela Albuja With we aim to make it easier for buyers and sellers to find each other and connect on line – but at some point there´s still no substitute for meeting face to face. Building on the success of last year´s “Forest Economies” prize, we launched a competitive award to provide […]

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Propulsando los negocios sociales: ¿Qué son las aceleradoras?

  Por David Berón   Imagina lo siguiente: acabas de empezar una empresa para conectar directamente a pequeños agricultores del campo colombiano con miles de consumidores en las grandes ciudades del país. Tu modelo de negocios puede duplicar los ingresos de los agricultores, mejorar la calidad de la comida en los centros urbanos y demostrar […]

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Picking up Speed for Startups: Our Accelerator Roundup

    By David Berón Picture this. You have started a small enterprise to directly connect smallholders in rural Colombia with consumers in the country’s largest cities. Your business model could boost the incomes of farmers, increase the quality of food in urban centers, and make a case for affordable and readily available organic produce. […]

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WFT? What’s Fair Trade? 5 Things to Know

  I used to be a barista. “Are your beans certified?”, people would ask as they waited on the counter and as I struggled with the latte art. “Yes,” I´d answer, pointing at the many seals attached to our coffee bean bags. There were three, but they differed depending on the batch: Fairtrade Labeling Organization […]

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More PRM! Best Practices With Contracts For Cooperatives And Farmer Associations

  Originally published at Coffee Lands by Kraig Kraft (Influenced heavily by these fantastic reference pieces Trading Practices for a Sustainable Coffee Sector – IISD, Jason Potts, with Guido Fernandez and Chris Wunderlich and by the International Trade Center’s – The Coffee Exporter’s Guide) Recently, we’ve been working with the cooperatives participating in the Blue […]

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After introducing Guayusa to the world, what’s next for Runa?

  We sat down to talk to Eliot Logan-Hines, Executive Director of the Runa Foundation. The Runa Foundation is a not-for-profit entity that works closely with its commercial partner, Runa LLC, to support communities and ecosystems in the Amazon by commercializing its one-of-a-kind products in a manner that adds value to and conserves the forest, as well […]

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Hablan los expertos: Tips para participar con éxito en ferias internacionales

El 16 de Junio, Forest Trends y Canopy Bridge realizaron la conferencia en línea “Estrategias para participar con éxito en ferias internacionales,” la tercera de la serie “Economía y Bosque,” sirviendo como orientación para productores que desean participar en ferias comerciales internacionales (con enfoque de sostenibilidad ambiental y social). El webinar empezó con una breve […]

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Ten tips from the experts: When is moving from raw material to processed product good for communities and small producers?

  Cutting out the middlemen and increasing local processing are commonly seen as the key to helping small producers capture more value and improve their incomes. Extracting oil instead of selling Brazil nuts, processing frozen fruit pulp instead of fresh fruit, making chocolate bars instead of cocoa beans – the finished product is clearly more […]

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Diez tips de expertos: ¿Vale la pena que comunidades y pequeños productores inviertan en procesar materia prima en productos elaborados?

  Comúnmente se cree que evitar los intermediarios y aumentar el procesamiento local son claves para que pequeños productores puedan mejorar sus ingresos. Extraer el aceite en vez de vender la nuez de donde proviene, procesar fruta en pulpa congelada en vez de vender fruta fresca, elaborar barras de chocolate en vez de granos de […]

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