Name: | Asociación de Productores de Cacao de la Zona Norte de Esmeraldas (Aprocane) |
Business Name: | Asociación de Productores de Cacao de la Zona Norte de Esmeraldas (Aprocane) |
Location: | 0.9528483791603419, -79.65087890625 |
Address: | Maldonado Collection Center Maldonado Canton Eloy Alfaro Esmeraldas Calle 24 de Mayo |
City: | Esmeraldas |
State/Province | Esmeraldas |
Country: | |
Region: | |
In Business Since: | |
Phone: | 593 994 699 47, 593 627 860 27 |
Website: | |
Do you have experience exporting directly? | |
Describe yourself in 140 characters or less: | Helping improve the quality of life of local residents by offering cocoa small producers the opportunity to enter markets paying fair price |
Bio: | APROCANE is a nonprofit organization working in the north of the province of Esmeraldas in Ecuador. Our primary purpose is to help improve the quality of life of local residents, especially those who are poorest. For this, APROCANE encourages the revitalization of cocoa farming and marketing, offering small producers and partners the opportunity to enter markets paying fair price, hence encouraging continuous improvement in income. |
Are you creating an account for a company/organization or for a human? | |
What type of account would you like? | |
Number of employees: | |
Size of business (annual sales in US$) | |
What is your primary language? | |
Type (select all that apply) | |
Business - First/Last Name | Nestor Lemos |