Name: | Hoja Verde |
Business Name: | Hoja Verde |
Location: | -0.20793796505387316, -78.48408043384552 |
Address: | Valladolid N24-282 y Francisco Galavis |
City: | Quito |
State/Province | Pichincha |
Country: | |
Region: | |
In Business Since: | |
Phone: | (+593) 2 601 7050 |
Website: | |
Do you have experience exporting directly? | |
Describe yourself in 140 characters or less: | Hoja Verde is an Ecuadorian company founded in 2006 that specializes in producing and commercializing high quality natural food goods. |
Bio: | Hoja Verde is an Ecuadorian company founded in 2006 that specializes in producing and commercializing high quality natural food goods for a discerning and demanding sector. It produces “Fino de Aroma” Dark Chocolate in many of its forms. Ecuador is privileged with very fertile and diverse agricultural lands, which allows it to produce a variety of agrarian products that have different properties in flavour and aroma. The company consists of 15 people running the factory, and 15 people in the office. They are all focused not only in production quality but in quality of life. The company ensures that not only the 30 team mates, but also the 417 families that grow the cocoa, get their deserved share of the process. |
Are you creating an account for a company/organization or for a human? | |
What type of account would you like? | |
Number of employees: | |
Size of business (annual sales in US$) | |
What is your primary language? | |
Type (select all that apply) | |
Export to | |
Business - First/Last Name | Nicolas Velez |