Name: | Cabildo Mayor Indígena de Chigorodó |
Business Name: | Cabildo Mayor Indígena de Chigorodó |
Location: | Colombia |
Address: | Cra. 95C # 95-84 Barrio La Unión |
City: | Chigorodó |
State/Province | Antioquia |
Country: | |
Region: | |
In Business Since: | |
Phone: | +57 312 259 6975 |
Website: | |
Describe yourself in 140 characters or less: | Supporting indigenous communities and territories through jagua fruit collection. |
Bio: | The project, which began in mid-2013, identified products with potential for differentiation and added value for the dye industry, such as jagua fruit, which the communities traditionally gave a purely cultural use. This bet on productivity, supported by IICA and executed in the territory by the Chigorodó Indigenous High Council, is strengthened by the contribution of ECOFLORA Cares in trade articulation. This company advances research, management and marketing of jagua under a model that implements the BioFairtrade standard to differentiate our products and facilitate access to markets. As of June 2014, the project has been able to establish the collection of jagua fruit as a new productive alternative, having agreed to a fair price that covers collection, operation, legal costs and profits. This was enshrined in a short-term (6 months) supply agreement with ECOFLORA Cares for the purchase of 1,600 kilos of green fruit per month and with projections of increased demand in the medium term capable of absorbing the current offer. Everything is done under a framework of compliance with national standards for the use of non-timber resources. Jagua fruit collection activities are within the Polines and Yaberaradó indigenous reservations, in which four Emberá Eyábida (Polines, Chigorodocito, Guapà and Saundó) and one Embera Chami (Dojura) communities are settled. |
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Business - First/Last Name | Darío Carupia Cuñapa |