Name: | AMAZ FOOD S.A.C |
Business Name: | AMAZ FOOD S.A.C |
Location: | -11.990634625975811, -77.08974450845801 |
Address: | Mz M Lote 6 |
City: | Lima |
State/Province | Lima |
Country: | |
Region: | |
In Business Since: | |
Phone: | 51 125 025 97 |
Website: | |
Do you have experience exporting directly? | |
Describe yourself in 140 characters or less: | Amaz Foods is an award-winning chocolate company based in Peru. |
Bio: | Amaz Foods is a company based in Peru, focused on producing the following products: Black bars and milk chocolate, Cacao beans in grains, Cup chocolate, Chocolate toppings, Cacao grains, Cacao liquor, Cacao paste. |
Are you creating an account for a company/organization or for a human? | |
What type of account would you like? | |
Number of employees: | |
Size of business (annual sales in US$) | |
What is your primary language? | |
Type (select all that apply) | |
Business - First/Last Name | Pablo Morales |