Scientific Name:
Other Names:
Source Countries:Peru
Minimum Order:0
Maximum Order:0
Volume Exported Last 12 Months:0
Primary Grower:Yes
National Permits or Authorizations:
Japan Organic & Natural Foods Association Organic Standard, Japan
Fairtrade (FLO)
Rainforest Alliance
USA Organic Regulation
EU Organic Regulation
Japan Organic & Natural Foods Association Organic Standard, Japan
Fairtrade (FLO)
Rainforest Alliance
USA Organic Regulation
EU Organic Regulation
I would like to buy the Quechua brand coffe.
I live in the USA
Lidia Holl
Where can I buy this specific coffee in Portland o
r or vicinities And please DO NOT publish or share my Email with “Nobody” and Thank you
I am extremely interested in purchasing Quechua coffee. Please advise how I can do this. I live in the US.
Do you have a distributor in Vancouver, BC Canada?
Hello I like to know where can I buy Quechua Coffee I live in Toronto Canada…I’m very interested…thank you, in advance.
Hola a todos, estoy interesada en comprar cafe en grano, donde lo ve den en Lima?
Do you send the Quechua coffee to Australia?