Product: Maca
Produced by CPX PERU SAC


The maca is used in food, juices, liquors and other several presentations. Also since the Inca times, it is used as an aphrodisiac, revitalizing, anti-arthritis. The root have a very important nutritional value, it contains about 250 mg of calcium, 2 g of potassium, and 15 mg of iron in 100 g of dried root, and sterols, minerals, and vitamins.

Scientific Name:Lepidum Meyenii Walp
Other Names:
Source Countries:Peru
Form:Powder Raw, Gelatinized and Steam Teatred. Triturated and Atomized Extract.
Minimum Order:100
Maximum Order:12
Volume Exported Last 12 Months:100
Primary Grower:Yes
National Permits or Authorizations:health register
Types/Uses:Other food and beverages

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