Product: Amazon nut granolas
Produced by Shiwi


Tropical, Classic and Andean Granolas. Andean Granola: The most protein rich includes crunchy amazon nut, toasted Quinua, Kiwicha y Cañihua (Andean grains filled with aminoacids); Seeds: Sesame and Flaxseed; honey from the Pomac-Piura forest valley and dried golden berries. Tropical Granola: Crunchy Amazon nut, toasted Quinoa and Kiwicha; Seeds: Sesame and Flaxseed, honey from the Pomac-Piura forest valley– Arequipa and apple, dehydrated mango and pineapple.

Scientific Name:Bertholletia Excelsa
Other Names:
Source Countries:Peru
Minimum Order:0
Maximum Order:0
Volume Exported Last 12 Months:0
Primary Grower:Yes
National Permits or Authorizations:
Types/Uses:Grains and cereals

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