Scientific Name:Coffea arabica
Other Names:Arabic coffee
Source Countries:Ecuador
Form:Rain-washed, sun-dried, roasted and ground
Minimum Order:40
Maximum Order:200
Volume Exported Last 12 Months:100
Primary Grower:Yes
National Permits or Authorizations:
USA Organic Regulation
Bird Friendly
USA Organic Regulation
Bird Friendly
I am interested to buy coffee and import it to the Netherlands (Eindhoven, postal code 5624 EK).
I would like to have some more information about this, my questions are:
– If I buy coffee for $500 can you give me a discount?
– Can you give me an indication of the costs for the shipment?
– Do you only sells beans or also grained coffee?
Hopefully you can provide me this information.
Thanks in advance,
Elise Greveraars
sorry this was supposed to be sent by email not to be on the site.