Product: Cacao Simi Snack
Produced by Amazon Andes


Our snack is healthy, energetic and nutritious in this sweet version contains Maca in a much more palatable way , it is also crispy and it is made with the least possible industrial process, which increases energy invigorating the body and allowing greater physical and mental endurance . To make it even more irresistible , it has a nutritious and functional product such as cacao nibs, which when it is combined with yacon syrop has great benefits to our health , such as balance our metabolism , These perfect combination of superfoods , help us to improve our daily life.

Scientific Name:( Maca chips, Cacao nibs and Yacon Syrup)
Other Names:snacks
Source Countries:Australia,Chile,China,United States,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,Mexico,Argentina,Austria,Netherlands,Colombia,Democratic People\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Republic of Korea,Japan,Belgium
Minimum Order:500
Maximum Order:5000
Volume Exported Last 12 Months:5000
Primary Grower:No
National Permits or Authorizations:Certifications: - USDA NOP and EU organic - DIGESA Peruvian health ministry
Types/Uses:Food and beverage

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