Product: Banana flour
Produced by Ecological SAC


The banana is a triploid hybrid of Musa acuminate and Musa balbisiana. It has large fruits and medium-sized clusters with regular number of fingers. Type: \"French Plantain\" or \"Banana Dominico (AAB) and the clones known as\" Guineas \"(ABB) are widely cultivated in Latin America, the latter is consumed as cooked, either green or ripe Bastimento dessert. Banana growing tolerance includes extreme ranges from temperate rain forest conditions (12 to 18º C, 1000-1200 mm of precipitation) to conditions of very dry tropical forest (over 24º C, 4000-8000 mm of precipitation). Central and South America, ideal conditions of temperature between 25-30º C, the minimum should not be less than 15º C, and the maximum exceeding 35º C. Chemical composition of banana characterized by the presence of starches and acids shortages makes it a highly sensitive product to oxygen as well as heat.

Scientific Name:Musa paradisiaca L
Other Names:Plantain banana
Source Countries:Peru
Minimum Order:500
Maximum Order:10
Volume Exported Last 12 Months:2
Primary Grower:No
National Permits or Authorizations:The processing plant has the relevant health permits. Each batch is processed, we performed the microbiological analysis to ensure that the product is of excellent quality.
Types/Uses:Other food and beverages

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