Name: | Candela Peru |
Business Name: | Candela Peru |
Location: | -10.671404468527424, -74.1796875 |
Address: | Mz F, Lote 9, Parque Industrial Villa El Salvador |
City: | Lima |
State/Province | Lima |
Country: | |
Region: | |
In Business Since: | |
Phone: | (+51) 128 759 95, (+51) 128 737 03 |
Website: | |
Do you have experience exporting directly? | |
Describe yourself in 140 characters or less: | Candela is an alternative trade organization that processes and transforms sustainable natural products, generating value for rural people |
Bio: | Candela Peru is an alternative trade organization that processes and transforms sustainable natural products in the Madre de Dios region of Peru. Candela markets Brazil nuts, edible oils (such as brazil nut, coconut, sacha inchi oil), chocolates, protein supplements, snacks, and personal care products. It has the following certifications: Organic, Union Certification for Ethical BioTrade (UEBT), World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO), International NSF Certification HACCP, and Fair Trade Labelling Organization (FLO). |
Are you creating an account for a company/organization or for a human? | |
What type of account would you like? | |
Number of employees: | |
Size of business (annual sales in US$) | |
What is your primary language? | |
Type (select all that apply) | |
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