Name: | Asociacion Kallari |
Business Name: | Asociacion Kallari |
Location: | -0.9984071390262181, -77.80139923095703 |
Address: | Huachiyacu y S/N, Barrio San Jorge |
City: | Tena |
State/Province | Napo |
Country: | |
Region: | |
In Business Since: | |
Phone: | 59362-847-050 |
Website: | |
Describe yourself in 140 characters or less: | Kallari is an organization of 850 Kichwa families, who produce fine Cacao flavor, cocoa powder, and dark chocolates to gourmet markets. |
Bio: | kall Kallari (Kahl-ya-di) is the Kichwa verb meaning “to begin or start”, but also refers to the beginning of time, or as our ancestors used to live. Our effort is a new beginning to empower future generations, while we remember the traditions of our people. We are a community-based organization of 850 Kichwa families, located in the Napo Province, with more than 100,000 hectares of tropical forest reserves. Our territories within the Amazon River are home to endangered species and cultural resources of great social and economic value. Unfortunately, it is one of the lowest per capita income regions of Ecuador, which is very attractive for timber companies of table-triple. Without adequate economic alternatives and stable control system, the timber industry will destroy our landscapes rainforest remaining. Instead of regulating the extractive industries, we create an economic alternative to prove that our agroforestry farming creates a sustainable economy for our people and demonstrating a model for our neighbors. Our biodiverse agriculture is a method of permaculture: in a half-acre plots along the river banks, with around fifty species of fruit, medicinal, edible and timber plants in the plot. Kallari plans to expand the collection, processing and marketing of local crops, while establishing an ecologically based line and will continue monitoring the impact of this opportunity to diversify our income. So, we can offer development and conservation of natural resources. |
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Business - First/Last Name | Geovanny Grefa |