Product: Cheetah
Produced by Kim Kaiser


The cheetah is the world’s fastest land animal and Africa’s most endangered big cat. Uniquely adapted for speed, the cheetah is capable of reaching speeds greater than 110 kilometers per hour in just over 3 seconds, and at top speed their stride is 7 meters long. With its long legs and very slender body, the cheetah is quite different from all other cats and is the only member of its genus, Acinonyx. The cheetah’s unique morphology and physiology allow it to attain the extreme speeds for which it’s famous, and is often referred to as the greyhound of cats. Built for Speed The Cheetah’s unique body structure, long legs flexible spine, semi-retractable claws, and long tail allow it to achieve the unbelievable top speed of 110 km/hr. The body is narrow and lightweight with long slender limbs. Specialized muscles allow for a greater swing to the limbs increasing acceleration.

Scientific Name:Acinonyx jubatus
Other Names:
Source Countries:Namibia,South Africa,Botswana
Minimum Order:0
Maximum Order:0
Volume Exported Last 12 Months:0
Primary Grower:No
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