Product: Racacha
Produced by Facultad de Agronomia U.M.S.A


Racacha is an Andean root and one of the oldest cultivated plants in South America, its cultivation having preceded potatoes and corn. In Bolivia it is grown in the Yungas and closed valleys north of La Paz, and in Cochabamba where the largest area plantations are located in the valleys of Colomi and Tablería. Racacha stands out by its carbohydrate content and the quality of its starch (10-25%) with very fine grains similar to those of cassava, and also several vitamins (carotene in yellow varieties), minerals and other micronutrients, which explains its pleasant taste. It is particularly rich in calcium, iron and niacin surpassing the content of other roots and tubers such as potatoes and cassava. Racacha is also important because its starch is easily digestible, which can be used in the manufacture of industrial products. Racacha can be used in many ways such as creams, soups, purees or dishes like chili racacha which serve for different dietary requirements and/or choices.

Scientific Name:Arracacia xanthorrhiza
Other Names:
Source Countries:Bolivia
Minimum Order:0
Maximum Order:0
Volume Exported Last 12 Months:0
Primary Grower:No
National Permits or Authorizations:
Types/Uses:Vegetables and fruit

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