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Coffee - Café Apuí Agroflorestal
Café Apuí Agroflorestal is the first sustainably produced 100% robusta coffee in the region of Amazonas, and the second in Brazil. Produced by 30 family farms in the south of Amazonas, our production takes place in agroforestry systems with trees native to the Amazon, and without the use of agrochemicals. Our distinctive drying and roasting processes lend our full-bodied beverage a pleasing aroma and taste. More than just a healthy product, Café Apuí is a means to generating income for producers and for promoting sustainable development in the region
Scientific Name:conilon
Other Names:
Source Countries:Brazil
Minimum Order:0
Maximum Order:0
Volume Exported Last 12 Months:0
Primary Grower:No
National Permits or Authorizations: